楼层 | 门牌号 | 中文 | English |
一层 | 102 | 第五书库 (语言文学类) | Fifth Stack (Linguistics and Literature) |
104 | 第六书库 (报纸合订本) | Sixth Stack (Newspaper bound edition) | |
106 | 第七书库 (报纸合订本) | Seventh Stack (Newspaper bound edition) | |
108 | 文献检索实训室Ⅰ | Document Search Training Room Ⅰ | |
110 | 文献检索实训室Ⅱ | Document Search Training Room Ⅱ | |
第一书库 | First Stack | ||
123 | 第二书库 | Second Stack | |
135 | 第三书库 | Third Stack | |
137 | 第四书库 (工业技术类) | Fourth Stack (Industrial Technology) | |
138 | 书刊加工室 | Processing Room of Books and Periodicals | |
二层 | 201 | 第三阅览区 (语言文学类) H、I | Reading Area 3 (Linguistics and Literature) |
203 | 采编部
| Collect-Compile Department | |
204 | 第四阅览区 | Reading Area 4 | |
206 | 研讨室 Ⅰ | Study RoomⅠ | |
207 | 第五阅览区 | Reading Area 5 | |
209 | 第一阅览区 (社会科学综合类) A、B、C、D、E、G、J、K | Reading Area 1 (Academics) | |
212 | 第二阅览区 (经济类) F | Reading Area 2 (Economics) | |
214 | 新书展示厅 | New Shelved exhibition hall | |
| 301 | 第八阅览区 (农业科学类) S | Reading Area 8 (Agricultural Science) |
303 | 流通阅览部 | Circulation Department | |
304 | 第九阅览区 | Reading Area 9 | |
306 | 第十阅览区 | Reading Area 10 | |
308 | 第十一阅览区 | Reading Area 11 | |
309 | 期刊整理室 | Periodical Sorting Room | |
311 | 第十二阅览区 | Reading Area 12 | |
312 | 第十三阅览区 | Reading Area 13 | |
316 | 第六阅览区 (自然科学综合类) N、O、P、Q、R、U、V、X、Z | Reading Area 6 (Science) | |
317 | 书记室 | Party Secretary Room | |
318 | 第七阅览区 (工业技术类) T | Reading Area 7 (Industrial Technology) | |
321 | 职工之家 | Staff Home | |
四层 | 401 | 第十五阅览区 (重点学科文献中心) | Reading Area 15 |
403 | 综合部 | General Management Department | |
405 | 信息技术部 | Information & Technology Department | |
405 | 信息咨询中心 | Information Consultation Center | |
406 | 第十六阅览区 | Reading Area 16 | |
407 | 研讨室 Ⅱ | Study Room Ⅱ | |
409 | 第十七阅览区 | Reading Area 17 | |
412 | 第十四阅览区 (中文期刊) | Reading Area 14 | |
413 | 馆长室 | Director Room | |
414 | 会客室 | Reception Room | |
415 | 党员活动中心 | Party Member Activity Center | |
416 | 第二会议室 | Conference Room Ⅱ | |
417 | 贵宾室 | VIP Room | |
418 | 学术报告厅 | Lecture Hall | |
419 | 第一会议室 | Conference Room Ⅰ | |
五层 | 501 | 视听区 | Audio-Visual Area |
503 | 信息技术部 | Information & Technology Department | |
504 | 第十九阅览区 | Reading Area 19 | |
505 | 研讨室Ⅵ | Study RoomⅥ | |
507 | 教师阅览室 | Teachers' Reading Room | |
509 | 第十八阅览区 (外文期刊) | Reading Area 18 (Foreign-Language Periodical) | |
511 | 研讨室 Ⅲ | Study Room Ⅲ | |
512 | 特藏文献室 | Special Collection Room | |
513 | 研讨室 Ⅳ | Study Room Ⅳ | |
514 | 研讨室Ⅴ | Study RoomⅤ |