发布时间:2020-09-15 | 作者:暂无

Manson Publishing所出版刊物主要面向医学专业学生、兽医和自然科学研究人员,所有出版物中的插图,对于医学专业学生的学习起到重要作用。彩色插图,素描,照片,影像图片和独特的三维立体解剖图等描述清晰并配有详尽说明,以促进和鼓励结构化学习的方法。主题领域包括医药,兽药,地球科学,植物科学,农业和微生物学。


Manson Publishing电子图书数据库书目-天津农学院
Pub Year
1 9781840765458 Diseases of Small Grain Cereal Crops : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition SCIENCE Timothy D. Murray, David W. Parry & Nigel D. Cattlin 2009
2 9781840765113 Blistering Skin Diseases 1st Edition MEDICINE Lawrence S. Chan 2009
3 9781840765144 Infectious Diseases of the Skin 1st Edition MEDICINE Dirk M. Elston 2009
4 9781840765175 Parkinson's Disease: Clinican's Desk Reference 1st Edition MEDICINE Donald Grosset, Hubert Fernandez & Michael Okun 2009
5 9781840765397 Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat : A Colour Handbook 2nd Edition VETERINARY Tim Nuttall, Richard G Harvey & Patrick J McKeever 2009
6 9781840765434 Physics at a Glance 1st Edition SCIENCE Tim Mills 2008
7 9781840765076 Fossil Ecosystems of North America 1st Edition SCIENCE John Nudds & Paul Selden 2008
8 9781840765083 Diseases, Pests and Disorders of Potatoes : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition SCIENCE Stuart Wale, Bud Platt & Nigel D. Cattlin 2008
9 9781840765823 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Neuroimaging 1st Edition MEDICINE Kirsten Forbes, Sanjay Shetty, Michael Lev & Joseph Heiserman 2008
10 9781840765182 Clinical Neurology 1st Edition MEDICINE Graeme J. Hankey & Joanna M. Wardlaw 2008
11 9781840765830 Rapid Review of Medicine in Old Age 1st Edition MEDICINE Michael Vassallo & Stephen Allen 2008
12 9781840765250 Clinical Immunology of the Dog and Cat, 2/e 2nd Edition VETERINARY Michael J. Day 2008
13 9781840765281 Urological Disorders of the Dog and Cat 1st Edition VETERINARY Peter E. Holt 2008
14 9781840765335 Rapid Review of Exotic Animal Medicine & Husbandry 1st Edition VETERINARY Karen L. Rosenthal, Neil A. Forbes, Fredric L. Frye & Gregory A. Lewbart 2008
15 9781840765359 Clinical Signs in Small Animal Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Michael Schaer 2008
16 9783899930986 Anatomy of the Horse 5th Edition VETERINARY Klaus Dieter Budras, W. O. Sack & Sabine Rock 2008
17 9783899930948 Small Animal Gastroenterology 1st Edition VETERINARY Jorg M. Steiner 2008
18 9781840765014 Pests of Fruit Crops : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition SCIENCE David V. Alford 2007
19 9781840765021 Pests and Diseases of Peas and Beans : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition SCIENCE Anthony Biddle, Barry M. McKeow & Nigel D. Cattlin 2007
20 9781840765045 Plant Nematodes of Agricultural Importance : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition SCIENCE John Bridge & Jim L. Starr 2007
21 9781840765052 Mushroom Pest and Disease Control : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition SCIENCE John T. Fletcher & Richard H. Gaze 2007
22 9781840765205 Vulvo:Vaginal Infections 1st Edition MEDICINE William J. Ledger & Steven S. Witkin 2007
23 9781840765229 Eye Care in Developing Nations, 4/e 4th Edition MEDICINE Larry Schwab 2007
24 9781840765342 Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition VETERINARY Elizabeth Rozanski & John Rush 2007
25 9781840765373 Feline Orthopaedics 1st Edition VETERINARY Harry W. Scott & Ron McLaughlin 2007
26 9781840765380 Cardiovascular Disease in Small Animal Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Wendy A. Ware 2007
27 9783899930993 Anatomy of the Dog 5th Edition VETERINARY Klaus Dieter Budras, Patrick H. McCarthy, Wolfgang Fricke, Renate Richter, Aaron Horowitz & Rolf Berg 2007
28 9783899930955 Ophthalmology for the Veterinary Practitioner 2nd Edition VETERINARY Frans C. Stades, Milton Wyman, Michael H. Boeve, Willy Neumann & Bernhard Spiess 2007
29 9781840765687 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Veterinary Cytology 1st Edition VETERINARY Kathleen Freeman 2007
30 9781840765069 Vegetable Diseases : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition SCIENCE Steven T. Koike, Peter Gladders & Albert O. Paulus 2006
31 9781840765090 Valvular Heart Disease 1st Edition MEDICINE Bruce W. Andrus & John C. Baldwin 2006
32 9781840765168 Photodermatology 1st Edition MEDICINE James Ferguson & Jeffrey S. Dover 2006
33 9781840765885 Understanding Neurology 1st Edition MEDICINE John D. W. Greene & Ian Bone 2006
34 9781840765236 Heart Failure : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition MEDICINE Michael Sosin, Gurbir Bhatia, Gregory Lip & Michael Davies 2006
35 9781840765366 Sheep Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Philip R. Scott 2006
36 9781840765595 Understanding Respiratory Medicine 1st Edition MEDICINE Martyn R. Partridge 2006
37 9781840765625 Great Ormond Street Handbook of Paediatrics and Child Health 1st Edition MEDICINE Stephan Strobel, Stephen D. Marks, Peter Smith, Magdi H. El Habbal & Lewis Spitz 2006
38 9781840765717 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Rabbit Medicine & Surgery 1st Edition VETERINARY Emma Keeble & Anna Meredith 2006
39 9781840765106 Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation 1st Edition MEDICINE Tariq Azeem, Michael Vassallo & N. J. Samani 2005
40 9781840765502 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Thoracic Imaging 1st Edition MEDICINE Sue Copley, David M. Hansell & Nestor L. Müller 2005
41 9781840765274 Ear Diseases of the Dog & Cat 1st Edition VETERINARY Richard G. Harvey, Agnes J. Delauche & Joseph Harari 2005
42 9781840765786 Arthropod:borne Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat 1st Edition VETERINARY Susan E. Shaw & Michael J. Day 2005
43 9781840765793 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Feline Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Andrew H. Sparkes & Sarah M. A. Caney 2005
44 9783899930962 An Atlas of Radiology of the Traumatized Dog and Cat 2nd Edition VETERINARY Joe P. Morgan & Pim Wolvekamp 2005
45 9783899930931 Ear, Nose, Throat and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs & Cats 1st Edition VETERINARY Anjop J. Venker-van Haagen 2005
46 9781840765762 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Small Animal Dermatology 1st Edition VETERINARY Karen Moriello 2005
47 9781840765441 Chemistry at a Glance 1st Edition SCIENCE Roger Owen & Sue King 2004
48 9781840765465 Evolution of Fossil Ecosystems 1st Edition SCIENCE Paul Selden & John Nudds 2004
49 9781840765304 Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Charles L. Martin 2004
50 9781840765564 Oral Medicine : A Colour Handbook 1st Edition MEDICINE Michael A. O. Lewis & Richard C. K. Jordan 2004
51 9781840765601 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Cardiology 2nd Edition MEDICINE Stuart D. Rosen, Sanjay Sharma & Celia M. Oakley 2004
52 9781840765861 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Hepatobiliary Medicine 1st Edition MEDICINE Roger Chapman & Henry C. Bodenheimer Jr 2003
53 9783899930979 Bovine Anatomy 1st Edition VETERINARY Klaus Dieter Budras, Robert E. Habel, Anita Wünsche, Silke Buda, Gisela Jahrmärker, Renate Richter and Diemut Starke 2003
54 9781840765557 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 1st Edition MEDICINE Neil Kitchen, Guy M. McKhann II & Hadi Manji 2003
55 9781840765588 Eyelid Tumors 2nd Edition MEDICINE Jay Justin Older 2003
56 9781840765632 Clinical Bacteriology 1st Edition MEDICINE J. Keith Struthers & Roger P. Westran 2003
57 9781840765878 Handbook of Clinical Skills 1st Edition MEDICINE Jane Dacre & Peter Kopelman 2002
58 9781840765243 Handbook of Systemic Drug Treatment in Dermatology 1st Edition MEDICINE S. H. Wakelin 2002
59 9781840765496 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Paediatric Emergency Medicine 1st Edition MEDICINE Patricia O. Brennan, Janet G. Yassa & Stephen Ludwig 2001
60 9781840765540 Self:Assessment Colour Review of General Critical Care 1st Edition MEDICINE H. Mathilda Horst & Riyad Karmy-Jones 2001
61 9781840765649 Comparative Veterinary Histology 1st Edition VETERINARY Elizabeth Aughey & Fredric L. Frye 2001
62 9781840765489 Environmental Microbiology 1st Edition SCIENCE Alan H. Varnam & Malcolm G. Evans 2000
63 9781840765267 The Equine Distal Limb 1st Edition VETERINARY Jean-Marie Denoix 2000
64 9781840765809 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Small Animal Abdominal & Metabolic Disorders 1st Edition VETERINARY Bryn Tennant 1999
65 9781840765816 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Veterinary Dentistry 1st Edition VETERINARY Frank J. M. Verstraete 1999
66 9781840765519 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Clinical Anatomy 1st Edition MEDICINE Edward J. Evans, Bernard. J. Moxham, Richard L. M. Newell & Robert M. Santer 1999
67 9781840765403 Carbonate Sediments and Rocks Under the Microscope : A Colour Atlas 1st Edition SCIENCE A. E. Adams & W. S. MacKenzie 1998
68 9781840765410 Plant Propagation and Conservation : A Colour Atlas 1st Edition SCIENCE Bryan G. Bowes 1998
69 9781840765571 The Concise Handbook of Human Anatomy 1st Edition MEDICINE R.M.H. McMinn, Ralph T. Hutchings & Bari M. Logan 1998
70 9781840765663 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Avian Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Neil A. Forbes & Robert B. Altman 1998
71 9781840765700 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery 1st Edition VETERINARY Stephen D. Gilson 1998
72 9781840765724 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Small Animal Emergency & Critical Care Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Rebecca Kirby 1998
73 9781840765731 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Ornamental Fish 1st Edition VETERINARY Gregory A. Lewbart 1998
74 9781840765748 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Small Animal Orthopaedics 1st Edition VETERINARY Daniel D. Lewis, Robert B. Parker & Mark S. Bloomberg 1998
75 9781840765755 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Equine Orthopaedics & Rheumatology 1st Edition VETERINARY Stephen A. May & C. Wayne McIlwraith 1998
76 9781840765946 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Equine Internal Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Tim S. Mair & Thomas J. Divers 1997
77 9781840765526 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Renal Medicine 1st Edition MEDICINE Timothy H. J. Goodship & Bradley J. Maroni 1997
78 9781840765656 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Small Mammals 1st Edition VETERINARY Susan A. Brown & Karen L. Rosenthal 1997
79 9781840765779 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Equine Reproduction & Stud Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Jonathan F. Pycock 1997
80 9781840765472 Oceanography 1st Edition SCIENCE C. P. Summerhayes & S. A. Thorpe 1996
81 9781840765694 Self:Assessment Colour Review of Reptiles & Amphibians 1st Edition VETERINARY Fredric L. Frye & David L. Williams 1995
82 9781840765151 Trees & Forests : A Colour Guide 1st revised Edition MEDICINE Erling Falk, P. K. Shah & Pim J. de Feyter 2010
83 9781840765212 Asthma : Clinician's Desk Reference 1st Edition MEDICINE Yi-Hwa Liu & Frans J. Th. Wackers 2010
84 9781840765038 Ischaemic Heart Disease 1st Edition SCIENCE Bryan G. Bowes 2010
85 9781840765137 Cardiovascular Imaging 1st Edition MEDICINE J. Graham Douglas 2010
86 9781840765328 Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine 1st Edition VETERINARY Brook A. Niemiec 2010
87 9781840765670 Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice   1st Edition VETERINARY Steven M. Fox 2010
88 9781840765908 Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine   1st Edition MEDICINE M. Alan Menter & Benjamin Stoff 2010
89 9781840765922 Dermatology : A Colour Handbook   1st Edition VETERINARY Bob Doneley 2010
90 9781840765953 Geomaterials Under the Microscope 1st revised Edition VETERINARY Charles L. Martin 2010
91 9781840765960 Cattle and Sheep Medicine - Self-Assessment Colour Review 2nd Edition MEDICINE R. J. G. Rycroft, S. J. Robertson & S. H. Wakelin 2010
92 9781840766004 Biology at a Glance 1st Edition SCIENCE Jeremy Ingham 2010
93 9781840765991 Principles of Equine Dentistry 1st Edition VETERINARY Philip R. Scott 2010
94 9783899930924 Post-Harvest Diseases and Disorders of Fruits and Vegetables Volume 2   1st Edition VETERINARY André Jaggy & Simon Platt 2010
95 9783899930917 Post-Harvest Diseases and Disorders of Fruits and Vegetables Volume 1 1st Edition VETERINARY Ad Rijnberk & Hans S. Kooistra 2010
96 9781840765298 Small Animal Dental and Oral Maxillofacial Diseases : A Colour Handbook   1st Edition VETERINARY David O. Klugh 2009
97 9781840765427 Psoriasis 3rd Edition SCIENCE Judy Dodds 2006
98 9781840765977 Small Animal Neurology, Atlas & Textbook 1st Edition SCIENCE Anna L. Snowdon 1990
99 9781840765984 Clinical Endocrinology of Dogs & Cats 1st Edition SCIENCE Anna L. Snowdon 1990
100 9781840766196 Pediatric rheumatology: a color handbook 1st Edition 2012 Ann Marie Reed & Thomas G. Mason II 2012
101 9781840766141 Small animal neurological emergencies 1st Edition 2012 Simon Platt & Laurent Garosi 2012
102 9781840766110 Cattle medicine 1st Edition 2011 Philip R. Scott & Colin D. Penny 2011
103 9781840766028 Pediatric neurology: a color handbook 1st Edition 2011 Bale, Jr, James F. , Bonkowsky, Joshua L., Filloux, Francis M., Hedlund, Gary L., Nielsen, Denise M., Larsen, Paul D. 2011
104 9781840766066 Self-assessment colour review: Respiratory medicine, Third edition 3rd Edition 2011 Stephen G. Spiro, Richard K. Albert, Jerry Brown & Neal Navani 2011
105 9781840766127 Self-assessment colour review: Wildlife medicine & rehabilitation 1st Edition 2011 Anna Meredith & Emma Keeble 2011
106 9781840766301 Small animal dental, oral and maxillofacial disease : a colour handbook, revised edition 1st Edition 2010 Niemiec, Brook A. 2010
107 9781840765915 Child abuse and neglect: A diagnostic guide: For physicians, surgeons, pathologists, dentists, nurses and social workers 1st Edition 2010 Vincent J. Palusci & Howard Fischer 2010
108 9781840765120 A colour handbook: Acute adult dermatology: Diagnosis and management 1st Edition 2010 Daniel Creamer, Jonathan Barker & Francisco A. Kerdel 2010
109 9781840765854 A color handbook of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 1st Edition 2010 Pauline M. Camacho 2010
110 9781840765892 Understanding diabetes & endocrninology: A problem-orientated approach 1st Edition 2010 Darryl Meeking 2010
111 9781840766035 A colour handbook: Gastroenterology, Second edition 2nd Edition 2010 Ralph A. Boulton, H. J. F. Hodgson, Sanjeev Gupta & Claire Cousins 2010




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